
† indicates co-first authorship

In preparation

Ortega, J., Murai, Y., Whitney, D. (2024).  Emotional cue integration of context-rich and dynamic stimuli is (often) non-optimal

Fang, Y., †Ortega, J., Gürkan, N., Suchow, J., Yu, S., Whitney, D. (2024). Contextual Scene Drives Visual Judgements of Trustworthiness


†Ren, Z., †Ortega, J., †Wang, Y., Chen, Z., Guo, Y., Yu, S., Whitney, D. (2024). VEATIC: Video-based Emotion and Affect Tracking in Context Dataset. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. Online | Website | Preprint


Ortega, J., Chen, Z., Whitney, D.  (2023). Inferential Emotion Tracking reveals impaired context-based emotion processing in individuals with high Autism Quotient scores. Scientific Reports. Online | PDF | Data & Code

Ortega, J., Chen, Z., Whitney, D.  (2023). Serial dependence in emotion perception mirrors the autocorrelations in natural emotion statistics. Journal of Vision.  Online | PDF 

Gomes, B. A., Plaska, C. R., Ortega, J., Ellmore, T. M. (2023). A Simultaneous EEG- fMRI Study of Thalamic Load-Dependent Working Memory Delay Period Activity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Online | PDF 


Ortega, J., Plaska, C. R., Gomes, B. A., Ellmore, T. M. (2022). Spontaneous Eye Blink Rate during the Working Memory Delay Period Predicts Task Accuracy. Frontiers In Psychology.  Online | PDF 

Plaska, C. R., Ortega, J., Gomes, B. A., Ellmore, T. M. (2022). Interhemispheric Connectivity Supports Load-Dependent Working Memory Maintenance for Complex Visual Stimuli. Brain Connectivity.  Online | PDF